PIZZA Anthem (2021)
Playfully exposing the Karen epidemic brought on by the COVID pandemic.
Randy suggested; “someone should come up with a song about Karen’s“ to which, Shelley quickly embellished Randy’s suggestion, and the pizza wheels began to spin. How would people react to a woman of colour making such outlandish statements? Let’s find out, but do it in a playful way. A meaningful way. We saw the potential in the message. Not to be overlooked, the song also features American Sign Language (ASL) in the Pizza Dance.
Created by: Randy James and EDGAR H.P.A (
Written By: Randy James, Tony Singh, Shelley Hamilton
Vocals: Shelley Hamilton Music
Produced By: Tony Singh
Mixed By: Jill Zimmermann
Mastered By: Noah Mintz at Lacquer Channel Mastering
Video Produced By: Randy James
Directed By: Shelley Hamilton
Water Booth Actors: Cruz & Kaylen H Petierre
Dancers: Keira H Petierre and Nailah Renuka (@nailahrenuka)